Hi Tod @ s, with the intention of expanding the type of game to comment, wanting to put issues related to the Total War series or collection of Theatre of War, the writer being a fan arch of the supplies, I decided to remombrar the Blog and I took that name to better describe the intent of the page.
Therefore from now we are in World War Game.
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Optive And Contact Lens
How Can I Masterbate In Public
Today I talk about what makes a game great, a lot has to do the game itself of course, if this is well then comes the Community and a community are living a special breed of fans, Modders, who as a hobby not only have to play that game, go beyond, they change and adapt to what they believe must be the game and in many cases (most, being the sample) make it, and dramatically improve the vanilla version.
More wood this is the War:
Grand Strategy Expansion

began as the idea of \u200b\u200ba few fans of this great WarGames (I recommend play it to check that assessment) and has become a great result, a great improvement and in a totally different version of the game and makes from now on do not mess with the vanilla version, only the play with the Grand Strategy Expansion.
The project was initiated by Borger Borgersen, Ronnie Runyan, Jim Potts, Paul Kirby and Tim Lynch for almost 2 years and have eaten countless hours of their free time. At first he had known of BRJ MOD, but the end result is named after Grand Expansion Strategy (which does justice to the great final result.)
Since its inception have involved all 15 components of the project team, from designers, creators of the manual, programmers, developers, translators and all the beta testers getting the expansion and improve more than the original version of the game good. This expansion adds
improvements for a single player (against the AI) and multiplayer games in all its variants, being most PBEM option also provides a new set of features, some of which are described below.
Feature List
country-specific units with graphics and NATO counters, so that all large and small nations are represented a complete set of images of their units!
Transport and patterns of invasion by sea, are a function of technology. The Allies are limited by technology in terms of number of units that can have on a transport ship at a time.
New forms of submarine warfare is being more realistic, this can be seen reflected in the Battle of the Atlantic. New
function of time. The time is random, but realistic, and the effects of combat and movement of the units are associated with good and bad weather (in winter are much more difficult). Also consider the effects of storms at sea to be considered in the fighting and naval landing missions. New model
partisans. Supporters now are reproduced in all the conquered countries and forcing the player's side of the shaft to maintain a garrison city and maintain the resources as they did historically, something that radically changes the existing strategies in the original version. Added
Blitzkrieg effect when you invade the countries they suffer a temporary loss of efficiency due to the surprise. Added
Russian reserves in Siberia, which are released when the U.S. go to war.
have added more cities, ports, borders policies, these have been revised, updated new terrain features (for example, Persian Gulf), stronger (eg, Gustav, Ostwell & Siegfried) and five naval transport links (eg, Kiel).
Added a new feature of the air base. Allow aircraft to refuel in Greenland, the Mid-Atlantic, etc. The
Vichy France and Free France are both added as independent countries. New
Italian historical event, Italy may surrender without the fall of Rome. Model railway
updated includes the ability to affect the ability of the railroad through the bombing.
model is supply levels in Africa, limiting the number of units that can keep the Axis in North Africa. Added
oil trade (Germany and Russia) and iron ore (Germany and Sweden). Added
Lend Lease to Russia through Persia.
Leveling the effect of air power offered the original version, limited air strikes that can be used in turn to a single goal which means that air power can weaken but not destroy ground units, making it much more realistic.
Grand Strategy requires 1.12 V of game Commander Europe at War or version MILITARY HISTORY Commander Europe at War .
The game is translated into English, English, French, German and Italian.
The executable you can download from the site Slitherine have been they who build the package and support on all information related to the project team. Grand
Expansion Strategy has a page where you can download the manuals have information on the project team and their comments and characteristics of this expansion.
From here, a million thanks to the team that has made this great improvement and that these 2 years of work will be recognized by many of us and I am sure we will do everything in our power to publicize the good work .
The above infinite thanks to: The
Borger Borgersen
Jim Potts Ronnie Lynch Tim Runyan
Paul Kirby
Map & Unit Graphics
Borger Paul Kirby
Gabrielle Raymond Victor
Glen Taylor
Borger Borgersen
Tim Lynch
Borger Borgersen
Ronnie Runyan
Alec MacDonell
Paul Kirby
Victor Rodriguez Pinto
Gabriele Bianchini
Frank Jeroschinsky
Borger Borgersen
Beta Testers
Borger Borgersen
Jim Potts
Ronnie Runyan
Paul Kirby
Joe St. Rock
Victor Rodriguez Pinto
Raymond Gabrielle
Clifford Johnson
Neil Herbert Glen Taylor Alec MacDonell
Tor Jim Reilly
Boyd Pyper
you waiting, I just write this article I have come forward to play it NOW!.
Friday, November 27, 2009
Hydroxycut Commercials

We congratulate both collectors and those who start looking now or return to the wargames as MatrixGames reapplies the Christmas sales, nothing else and no less than 30%, better than nothing and see if you follow this example and other companies surprise us with initiatives like this, so glad. Specifically
apply a 30% and this is fine for those who are interested in games catalog throughout the year keep prices higher in the list, now is the time, according to a press release, MatrixGames indicates that the discount will remain to January 17, 2010.
I have already given back and the truth that I only need to collect 2 months to get me jewelry from 49 € that I left the sales of 30 € (free shipping included), which is nothing wrong.
published the list you see on the official website through this link:
WarGames List

Wednesday, November 25, 2009
35 Weeks Pregnant And Infected Tooth
bad times are coming, the red dawn does not bode well, the eerie silence is indicative of the danger lurks, the stress experienced by various acts of countries like Germany, Italy, Japan and the attempt to maintain peace at all costs charged by Britain and France do nothing but stir the embers of the fire is not put out in 1918.
not know what the future holds, but I think I'll know soon, very soon ...
Campaign for Campaign Series SGM

Hi all,
Since we are pleased to announce the creation of the Campaign of World War II with the game PBEM Campaign Series.

is a campaign created by all participants, which will be decided by vote that scenario will be played every period of the conflict to maintain a chronology of it.
This campaign will consist of 2 sides, Allies and Axis, and each side will have a list of countries that were mentioned in alliances.
In the campaign there will be two tables of score, the General and will be the points of the Allies and axis point and then a table with the classification of each participant, much like what we see in the ladders.
And to start this campaign, you better do it with a new scenario created by the teacher
Feldgeneral Hoth and you can play it and enjoy it with us all gunning for the Campaign SGM.
You know if you're interested, if you like this fantasy wargames and want in, just choose an alliance and stop by Panzerzug for register.
You choose Allied or Axis?

Saturday, November 14, 2009
Ironing Board Martha Stewart

Designed by: Paradox Interactive
Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer.
Recommended Advanced.
Level: requires experience.
Type: Real Time Strategy .
Active Communities: Currently there are several active communities (see "The Community"
If you like you will like: The Saca Europa Universalis, The Campaigns of Napoleon, Birth of America, American Civil War, Making History Collection, World War One, the supply of Supreme Ruler
The Review
always considered myself a diehard fan of this saga, since I played the first delivery until the day I bought the third (and I know it says that is not yet completely well enough to play it, but what little I've seen I liked it).
This review is not on the third delivery, This is the first expansion of the second delivery that yes, this is the full game Hearts of Iron II plus additions and improvements brought about the extension.
Hearts of Iron has both detractors and supporters, as well as extensive discussion on this that if the Saga would be better off in a game format shift or do not quite jell real time format in a wargame, the truth is that the other group, the fans think the opposite and could not understand Hearts of Iron in a different way to what is, by that I mean that the format of time is just as it should be and can not be otherwise way to how it is.
As many know, in this collection of Paradox the game happens in real time, hour by hour we spend on all fronts of the Second World War and this gives the game will keep you hooked up periods of the Cold War or with a hypothetical World War III, we take the campaign specifically to 1953. The great feature of this format is that we can control the weather at will exists to do different levels of speed, starting in a state of normal speed, we can go faster or slower depending on our needs and situations in which we have to take a series of decisions, we will have the option to stop the stopwatch as it it were a turn-based strategy game and once taken all decisions re-activate over time, this option is useful when we have to make a large-scale attack from different sides or attack different regions with different divisions through a combined attack between aviation and ground forces able to program time slot in which we will begin the air attack to minimize the effectiveness of enemy forces and immediately (after 3 hours at play) to start the attack with ground units, another situation that will be useful to stop the stopwatch is when we want to study what will be the next improvement to investigate or take action when we want diplomacy and trade and this action require more time commitment and we do not want to waste as this can place us in a difficult position because he was not aware of the front or fronts that we have, there will be situations in which we are interested in that as time passes quickly as possible as we are awaiting the completion of the investigation of a new technology or the completion of the preparation of new units that will serve to reinforce the front for the battle becomes our side or end of a battle, as see you control the weather and as I said HOI could not function otherwise than this.
can say that in multiplayer games a rate is agreed and sometimes a stop by Nation Participate in a time limit, but generally most veterans are accustomed to running over time to adapt to speed without any problems because they know at all times what you have to do to make a success of his departure.
The first thing to understand is that although HOI2DD is a game that focuses on appearance War is not only a war game as not enough to have the largest army in the world if it is not accompanied a well-oiled war machine, I mean we also have to take care of aspects such as economics, politics, resources, reinforcements, supply receiving units, the military commander and the commanding lead, the weather condition, human level the% of our nation, needs the same, the issues related to diplomacy and intelligence, the technology race, investment in industry and infrastructure, the policy positions of our leaders, the control of relations with other nations and this is so because the costly battles and campaigns are very expensive and this is a huge waste in resources, money and lives before getting victory and good management of this can lead to achieving the desired objectives.
All these aspects, absolutely all, are interrelated and that the "quit" issue, the cornerstone of this wargame is able to combine all this, something that will take us a long, long time to learn and master as it is a game of great complexity and depth, which ensures that each game is you learn something new and the same may be why the game lie more than one novel and that they can put aside this great Wargame not finding it interesting.
is because the task is not easy, is neither more nor less than being the leader of a nation and guide at the height of the Second World War, continuing during the Cold War or World War III a hypothetical that offers this issue, almost anything:)
For beginners.
really is a complex game, especially if you've never played a wargame, the initial difficulty you may be able to lose interest and leave this game, which is a shame. If you really want to enjoy and learn I recommend you take it calmly and read the fantastic manual written by Chris "Mrt" Stone Paradox big fan and supporter forum moderator Company Beta testers and the Saga, I also recommend that you do the tutorial and read the odd ARR, especially not afraid to lose, at first this happens very often and when you actually learn, you can save the game for taking the same play different options for you to check what is the best and which way the shots.
Patience is the word that may better define the initial attitude that you have to have to start with any HOI.
For more advanced players.
really is a game that is aimed at players with some experience in WarGames, the game is demanding, complex, deep and mastering it is a difficult but not impossible (or if) you have to control many aspects with which we fully in the Management WarGames, the number of units and can overwhelm the front extension over one and will require the expertise of each individual to control everything is handled here. The challenge as always is a multiplayer game where Italy take in a game to 8 and get good results is something worthy of praise.
The game presents an overview of the years that passed the worst conflict of humanity spread in this issue until 1953 and allow us to live from the point of view of protagonists Nations or any other nation from a position of lesser prominence, at least in war or from a background as support of the Partnership.
Items of HOI2DD are long, especially if started in 1936 with what is likely for a few months, we locked up and placed around the heart of the conflict.
How to play depends on you, you can select one of the leading nations (Britain, Germany, Japan, Italy, China, Russia, USA) and try to follow the chronology from the beginning or redo history to your roll and according to your needs, we can also select a smaller nation and trying to survive during the duration of the game going into one of two alliances and support where we can go unnoticed or remain a neutral nation, we can select any the two Spains and enter the Civil War, or select a country in South America and expand our boundaries, there are those who prefer Global Domination and that's your goal, there are others who like survival and if they can grow to a small nation then better (this is a challenge), I prefer the main UN and I like to alternate between them as each provides a different way understand and play this wargames and what we learn from each one you can apply to your game to another nation such as Germany can learn about the Carreta Technology, Military and Industrial growth and expansionism of Japan all matters relating to the management of the Navy, Military and Industrial Growth, Technology and expansionist race, with Britain the art of defense and counterattack, the management and coordination of different fronts and Colonial Country that as we take care of our possessions which are spread over different parts of the globe, also learn the issues related to the Navy and the Transportation and Army aspects of air, the U.S. is a genuine career to become a very powerful nation both militarily and economically, ideal for learning about how to offer both economic and military aid to other nations through the supply routes and how to protect these and above all how to create a strong and capable army take an active role on several fronts, Russia is another race against time as the Military Industrial much but in this case will not be doing many military-oriented aspects of the Navy (at least initially) and China the art of diplomacy and the knowledge to be the side we are most interested in, something like we have with Italy but adding aspects of the Navy and expansionism. And
Once you select the nation with the one I want to play, especially when I can try to follow the chronology, at least in the first 4 years and that in order to fulfill the historical script must take into account various aspects and make the actions needed to go chronological events.
And as chronological events mentioned in this release have been increased in number and historical events that occurred during the period of World War II, many of these events go on day / month / year real, others drop out before or after the historic date, that leaves an event in some cases enough to reach the day it happened, sometimes take into account other aspects as you have in your possession a particular province or your levels of diplomacy are correct, we do not always get a historical accuracy. There have been many comments from fans with knowledge of the conflict in which they expressed their malaise not find this aspect of the events as well as it should be, this and another related to a political figure or political position of any existing nation occasional blooper in this topic. All this is gone and everything is corrected and must comment that the creators of HOI are really big fans of the game of Australian company ADG "War in Flames" which also has a full "Day of Decisions" focused on political issues and that can be played individually or jointly with "War in Flames" thing which increases the level of complexity and depth of this famous and revered Wargames and it shows in some of the rules of the SAGA and introduce how to find all possible details to get with it having the most complete World War II and this is appreciated.
Now I will review the different areas that we have to manage to succeed in our campaign.
Intelligence Services.
In this section we will have all the information you have spies in other countries as well as those who have entered our own in an effort to extract information (and not). From here we can take action to counter - action that will stop and remove the undercover agents - we can send spies to other nations, flat steal, assassinate a minister, smear campaigns, support a coup, sabotage industry, nuclear sabotage, partisan fund, campaign for global manipulation, sabotage technical equipment, sleeping spies.
From here we will also have access to reports from our intelligence service, where we report research which is developing a particular country or the number of divisions that have at their disposal, these data usually are related to the number of we have spies in the country of which we are extracting this information, more accurate than spy turns out to be such information, other data are naval and air units that have, few agents have infiltrated or how we have infiltrated them to us and who have focused production.
With this we can get an idea of \u200b\u200bthe power of the enemy as well as possible weaknesses.
the technology race.
This is one of the things I find most interesting (this is a very personal assessment) and is an area that has to give the importance it really has and above all, learn what to choose here in each time and advance planning balanced as can be what makes the difference between the power of our nation with respect to the other - especially the world powers - and what makes the difference between us and our enemies. The tech tree is divided into 9 areas: Infantry, Armor and Artillery, Naval, Aviation, Industrial, Land Doctrine, Secret Weapons, Naval Doctrine and Air Doctrine.
In each section we find a tree that represents the technological advances that can perform on that area in particular, should you choose to investigate is not a trivial task, requiring experience and only after a few games begin to have some priorities set technology in order to investigate and especially when they investigate.
Every invention is a historic day and if we decide to start a project from 1941 in 1939 this will cost us more money than if you started in the mid to late 1940 and this is because it tends to simulate the added cost in staff training and lack of cause that may exist to begin researching a technology of 1941 or 1942 with knowledge of 1938 or 1939.
Another aspect is that there are technologies that require the investigation of other previous technologies because otherwise you can not be started.
To assign each project we have in the main UN with a large number of companies and familiar characters, they are all that really existed and many of the great inventions that helped get the wins of their nations were investigated by these companies, inventors or characters depicted in the game and we can select considering who is closer to the requirements in knowledge and ability to execute the task with the best efficiency in the shortest possible time, avoiding the effects of penalty that can make learning a concept the company or the person needed to the successful completion of selected research.
And all this varies with the nation you play.
This point is the mother of the lamb and other sites important to see very often.
Here we show our industrial capacity and can be managed via a sliding bar to apply a% larger area of \u200b\u200bindustrial power which is more expendable and less important and believe me sometimes this difficult decision may make part of the line to a victory or a defeat. There are 5 areas: consumer goods, production, supplies, reinforcements and modernization, as a good economist will have to know how the best way to manage this aspect.
From here we will have the control of trade agreements we have established, in which material and how much we trade, we also have information of our boats supply and it is very important to the fluctuation of our precious resources: Energy, Metal, Rare Materials, Oil supplies, money and human resources. Because our other tasks and objectives is to make the 7 resources to always remain positive, which is sometimes complicated and have to dip into our talent as a businessman and economist, something they have left you in charge of the Ministry of Economy.
And this is for us to create more units for our 3 hosts and it is from here that will manage the production list of military units, setting priorities at all times, we will remove obsolete units and put the updated drivers, but beware that there is bonus for chain creation and the creation time in the same unit that is not usually a good idea to install and remove drives without rhyme or reason, this action penalizes the production line but may we are interested in removing outdated units and place the new to save the update phase, you see all are decisions and more decisions.
went into some of the issues with a level of difficulty and complexity higher in some parts, particularly as related to politics, this is a black box for beginners in this Saga. To HOI2DD start in a wide rage of real people: Leaders, Politicians, Heads of State, Heads of the 3 hosts, and portfolio Ministers without portfolio. This is another point that has jumped to the forefront of the forums and has been widely discussed and debated, especially by the most knowledgeable in the history of conflict that we represent and their characters and in some respects indicated failure the positions occupied by those characters in question, being or not being properly represented or some positions, but the point which I re-roll over the account, here you can replace the representatives of our political party other characters that we can provide a advantage in some areas as a% increase in industrial capacity (IC), a lower cost in diplomatic affairs, a% more successful counter-measures, a reduction in the cost or time of manufacture of a series units or an increase in the use of foreign CI, you see a whole mini game, but note this is only in the hands of those who really dominate the game as a bad choice or decision can acarrearte an unstoppable cascade of problems that can control, especially in relation with 7 sliders that allow us to control the general policy stance and the majority of our nation: the former may indicate or change if our policy is focused on being a democracy or otherwise is a Dictatorship (authoritarianism), the second is the point of view of the majority of social equality to be the extreme values \u200b\u200bof the Left party, to the position of party Central or is rather a right wing party, the third indicates the point of view of social freedom or whether it is a closed society, the following is the view of the economic system being the extreme values \u200b\u200bthe free market through the mixed market or planned economy, we continue with the point of view on the position of National Defense if this is aimed at an army recruiting permanent or only in case of war, the penultimate bar shows the position of the nation on war and peace, this value varies between a militarist or pacifist position and the last indicates if the point of view of the national majority is Interventionist or Isolationist.
And in these values \u200b\u200bquoted can not be changed at once the nation's political position, the change being lengthy, costly and progressive, this also has to control every moment knowing which represents a radical change in our policy country.
From here we also have access to the report of the situation and the relationships we have with other countries.
And finally, other less complicated than we can control it from this tab are: matters relating to the implementation of trade agreements, declarations of war, to influence our approach to other nations, to open negotiations, offer non-aggression pacts, proposing an alliance, to assume military command country of an ally or puppet, send expeditionary forces to request military access, ensure the independence or break a trade agreement.
Supreme Command of the 3 hosts.
As you can see I have put this point at the end and not that's the least interesting and important, on the contrary, is what gives meaning to everything else and logically sauce a wargame, but to succeed in the various campaigns of the global strategy we have to control the various items I been mentioning why not just win a war from the military point of view, you can have the biggest army and lose against a nation with fewer troops but with a major technological advance and with some units updated weaponry and military doctrine in all the airline also is not good you just face the whole world, at least initially should always seek the support of other nations, many fronts is secure defeat because you can not or will not have enough units to meet the different fronts and fight with the possibility of success if you have a number of nations against you and if you are above major nations and a major economic power, with a healthy industry and resource fluctuation upwards will all succumb number of forgotten and be wiped off the map in the blink of an eye.
The Saga Hearts of Iron is a Global strategy game, not go into detail as you can make a tactical wargame, but as you progress you'll see that the number of control units is increasing, even the number and variety of fronts that will to direct and success for Good luck in the campaign is equal to how well you manage your resources, decision making and coordination of all your units, in advanced stages of the race you will be forced on many occasions to stop the timer and set different offensive strategies or and defensive positioning on different fronts that can be separated from one another, you can get pulled into a battle on the Russian front and coordinate battles in the African front in addition to controlling the regions under your control are well defended against partisans or air strikes (rather than aerial bombardment) and not forgetting that in the sea areas will also have the odd confrontation and are important areas as the control of the sea or ocean will allow us greater control of the connections between these fronts and connecting roads are vital to stop the ultimate success.
And going into details, but not all as this is a review and not try to make a manual, one of the aspects that come into play and that we must take into account if we succeed in our battles, are accidents geographical or how they are represented on the map, each region or province has a geographic feature that can be either plain, desert, mountainous, wooded hills, cities, jungle.
The supply issue or rather of supply routes are also contemplated and is an aspect to consider, if not properly move and deploy our divisions, we may find that the enemy bagging, thus cutting them all access to our supply and this is a serious strategic error.
will also have at our disposal the weather report, something that at first not taken into account but has its importance when performing tasks and schedule air, sea and land forces, especially the General Winter is represented in many of the fronts where we can have very high temperatures, this area hurts the units are is these regions or countries and especially in the progress or efficacy of the same, another point that is related is the day and night, that we will have to take into account when setting up our attacks and how it affects the night at units are included in the order of attack.
When setting up a battle, apart from what we just discussed to know that an attack from different points (provinces) can have more success than the attack of concentration from a single province, we are not recommended make massive clusters in a single province and launch an attack from this, there is also a penalty for massive concentration of units in a single province, according to this point when configuring an attack we can decide the date and time when we will start the battle and if this be done day or night or if we see the weather report is favorable and that in three days there is an improvement because we can set the attack that day (the latter is a more advanced and is not generally used much unless you like to control all aspects of the game gives you), we can also define if you will an attack or are going to support the attack or defense, with the first order send your units to conquer the province in case of winning the battle these take possession of it, with the second order placed with 50% of your effective support to units that are moving, the third is like the second but on defense, with the latter two on winning the battle, the units will not move or take the province attacked. You
and above all have - this is a very recommendable - to perform combination attacks between your 3 hosts, for example you can set air strikes intended to disrupt or undermine the enemy forces, immediately afterwards, after a hard session start bombing the running game, another goal of aviation can be disabling the highest ground defenses know that there are provinces where a large number of them and a frontal attack may be the ruin, we must not forget the most important mission of aviation, these are the missions to achieve air superiority, this aspect is very important to be ever present in our strategic planning.
And on Naval units, are in addition to bombing the coast to make it easier landings, naval patrols to locate enemy ships and especially to seek out threatening submarines and they clear the area because if we make our missions GAS supply ships and our shipping lanes will be threatened even if we are not careful we will suffer heavy losses, as I said some of the Nations best suited to learn everything related to this branch of the military is Japan.
HOII2DD is represented in a large number of units of all nations are represented in the game, real units and these have been enhanced in this release, because as I mentioned at the beginning, this Wargame extends to 1953 and of course have added all the units with their technological advances that existed after 1947.
The scale of land units is a Division, each Division may be added a brigade division makes up its attributes, the grouping of the divisions is marked by the degree of control, there are those who can only command a division, which can command a body (the grouping of 3 or 4 divisions) or who command Army Group (from 9 to 12 divisions), each command according to their results in the various battles are increasing their experience and we as leaders can reward our controls Rank loading them with this we assign more units to have a sufficient level that marks the ceiling and are 12 divisions, is also the negative and that if a command has allocated more divisions than it can command, there will be a penalty for incompetence and inexperience of the command, which will study and decide his career if you replace or reward with a promotion.
As mentioned you will get an idea of \u200b\u200bwhat you'll find not only this game, if any installment of such deep and complex SAGA as fun and addictive to master the full game is time consuming and many games.
the end of this review I'm sure I've left things in the pipeline and this is the most uncommon, as I said HOI Saga is a very complex and deep, and in each game - and bring my years of playing it - always discover and learn new things, also my intention in writing this review is to fly over this issue without going into all the details and see that you still have given a sermon on this Wargame sir.
Hearts of Iron is as it is and can not be understood in another way because if not, would not be a Hearts of Iron.

The Community
active community
And we of course, the Paradox forums, in English and English , there you will find lots of information and fans of the series, of course is a good place if you want to join or create a party of HOI.
We also find the Elite Forum which brought together fans from different sets of Paradox and other WarGames known, we can also find lots of information and people to play with.
Regarding mods, there are a few: MOD34, Stony Road to War , Ars Bellic, MOD33 , more but these are a good representation and the list can be found here
Another page with a lot of Addons is Scytth & Kristoff
Another site of great interest is the Edwood page where he has worked a great and dynamic tables with all kinds of information.
Defcon Level
Due to its complexity and depth, HOY2DD is a hard game, it is clear that you can learn to play all the games, but due to its learning curve ascending steep and in some respects is not the best game to start. The number of options to consider is high and victory will take us a few games. Bill is a must read everything you have on hand, Manuals, ARRs, and totally recommend playing the tutorials, which is why the Defcon level is 4.
Friday, October 30, 2009
Milena Velba Film Free
Today I will talk about a story that is very interesting for any fan of the strategy, it is the famous series of the prestigious British publishing market leader in illustrated monographs on military history and strategy, I mean Osprey.
40 years are leading this company in the market with a collection of some 1,500 books with a more documented information by top experts in the field, is accompanied by abundant photographs, famous 2D and 3D maps and diagrams, makes this great library is one of the most desirable and useful for anyone who wants to deepen and to know in detail all aspects of military history.
Until now we had two ways to access these publications, one is how not to Osprey Series in the language of Shakespeare and the other across distributed collections RBA Group .
Well it is the latter is what has made the decision to approach once more, this great collection of collections translated into the language of Cervantes and of course, this is great news for every fan of WarGames and History humanely and we can finally be permanently this collection in many libraries-speaking market.
According RBA
the idea is to conduct launches semester, to make it clearer, the October 22, 2009 was the date on which we now find in bookstores and permanently the first 8 titles:
De Campaign Series: No. 1 Blitzkrieg Poland 1939, No. 2 Stalingrad 1942, No. 3 Thermopylae resistance 300, No. 4 Iwo Jima 1945 Marines raise the flag.
Of Warriors Series: No 1 The Green Berets in Vietnam 1957-1973.
De Elite Series: No 1 The Praetorian Guard.
Series Of Aviation Elite Units: No 1 The combat unit Red Baron.
Machines Of War Series: No. 1 Panzerkampwagen IV Medium Tank 1936-45
The next launch planned for spring 2010 and the next after the summer of that year, some 12 issues annually. Hopefully you have good reception and a great success and we can eventually enjoy the entire collection in our regular bookstores as one of the objectives is that the issues are willing to stay and as the collection grows, this will be found - with all the titles - on the shelves of bookstores, whenever you want (well hopefully). Only
Campaign series, it consists of 216 books and get to see the entire collection (about 1,500 books) at a rate of 12 books a year, then we would have to live for 125 years to see them all together, which is expected complicated:). Still
really appreciated, at least be able to acquire some of these books in a store without the cons that involve the sending of this material by mail (do not have it in your hand, not know how I will arrive and in what state), plus the you can buy at your own pace and above all choose books that interest you most, I think there is human time that allows a person to read all the series of this immense collection - but would not hand in the fire in this statement -.
There is a price difference between the versions of the RBA Collectibles we can find in bookstores, the latter are more expensive with a difference in some cases from 5 €, other than 9 €, and the response to this difference, according to RBA, is that the editing is done to the Libraries is more faithful to the original Osprey, some numbers are identical in content to that we found in the collections we see in the kiosks and then we can sign, but others like "The combat unit Red Baron's "cost of 128 pages like the original, we must mention that the versions of the hardcover collection are finished in a more binding acceptable and versions can be found in bookstores are paperback, rather they are a matte finish and with an acceptable thickness that gives consistency and appearance of durability, but if you want to stand the test of time you will be - as obliged - to bring them a plastic protection, the paper of 150g matt coated paper is that I think is much more consistent and robust, something that I like and I see better quality and finish as the cover version hard, it shows in the prints, look better, more alive and less glossy paper to make this note.
This is not to say that the edition of collectibles to be worse, far from but after much hesitation (especially at first) library version I like better, but this is a very personal view and no indication, each deems appropriate according to your tastes.
now have 3 ways to get books from different series of Osprey and from here we recommend this great library without fear of deceiving by that assessment.

This information is taken from Novilis of RBA Group and Osprey .
I have made the comparison with the two versions I have of Poland 1939 Blitzkrieg
Friday, October 23, 2009
Fake Vs Real Boob Images

Developed and Published by: TalonSoft - Reprinted by MatrixGames and John Tiller's
Designed by: John Tiller's
Modes Game: Singleplayer, Host Modem, Modem Caller, Hot Seat and PEBM
Recommended: For All Levels.
Level: Suitable to advance level.
type tactical strategy shifts.
Active Communities: If you play in http://www.panzerzug.es and http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tt.asp?forumid=226
If you like you will like: Panzer General Collection, Norm Koger's The Operational Art of War, John Tiller's Battleground Napoleonic Wars, John Tiller's classic Civil War, Panzer Campaigns
The Review
MatrixGames took rights TalonSoft and this is a whole lot for fans of the Wargames because with this we have the pleasant surprise that a company re-released collections referred to this mythical and firm, but not just reissued a game or a delivery or a collection belonging to Saga, none of that, what you are doing MatrixGames is to make a compilation of different renditions of some of the Saga of the acquired company, other than adding extra content and scenarios created by the fan community, but this work does not end here, all adapted to the new hardware and operating systems (only tested on Windows) to have no problems to continue enjoying of these gems.
Two obvious examples are the Library The Operational Art of War already, and this talk I review here, the fantastic collection John Tiller's Campaign Series and if the name of the designer John Tiller's ahead for games that are not only designed by him, but collaborated with MatrixGames to adapt the game to new versions of software.
John Tiller's is a designer of wargames in the community is known apart from the Library Campaign Series for his other great works, the collection Panzer Campaigns, if you really want to know their products you can stop by the page John Tiller Games
And thanks to this the oldest in the world connoisseurs Wargames and the first deliveries can replay the fantastic game and its great addiction that comes with a wide range of scenarios because in this collection are united deliveries "East Front", "West Front" and "Rising Sun" in this saga and those like me who start again after many years dedicated to other tasks and ignoring this gem, the first to discover and enjoy as a dwarf.
is because as I read on a forum, one player commented:
"there are many and there have been many similar games, there are worse and better but Campaign Series has that something that differentiates and that puts you at the top of the list of preferences "
and I share this view because for me it is one of the best tactical strategy games and enter without hesitation in the TOP 10 list, which means that from here I recommend without hesitation and knowing it is a good choice.
And it has everything you could ask a Tactical Wargame and also the options that accompany it make it even more special, enriching and elevating the final valuation of the whole game around.
To begin with 350 scenarios, to get an idea you can look at a project has begun Tegularius initially focused only on stage in front of the Ardennes in 1944, but collaboration with other fans of the series as Hoth Feldgeneral information will be added gradually to the front of Normandy and so as to achieve full inclusion different fronts represented in this fine wargames.
To continue is a very addictive and a great deal of tactical strategy, especially very focused on this aspect and only in the military theme, there is neither made political, or economic, or technological and nothing in these areas, and only exclusively focused on the military side, we have a given number of units to achieve victory on stage how you get it depends on your expertise and skills as a strategist.
is also a great challenge for players, especially in PBEM games, you really feel like a military leader and strategist pro.
Continuing with the tactical level - as we are referring this hue - say it is a wonder, units as indicated below, are composed of a number of characteristics that must be taken into account if you want to get a most out of them, plus field data plays an important role in the tactical approach, especially in the mobility, the benefits that we in higher positions, the increase in value defense units overlooking a city, town, ruins, forest, trench, to give an example of surface types, the penalties in line of sight (LOS) and mobility in these areas and we have others such as swamps, marshes , garden, jungle, rocky terrain (not all will be advantages), but there are others such as bridges (we'll have to look in some scenes), the paved and unpaved roads, railways, roads, all of them can have a great mobility and range at a lower cost of Action Items (Action Points - AP) that will allow us to make a series of combination of actions during the turn in play. Apart
MatrixGames in this collection have included a large number of units if it will further increase of the large existing database that you can edit with a perfect accompanying the game, this is the tool to run JTCS_UnitViewer and you will soon see the great advantage that we can get both to play and to create scenarios. Especially
no matter what level you have if you like the genre and turn-based games.
For beginners:
Being a game with many aspects to consider is strongly recommended to read the manual and prior to this action are more bootcamps training scenarios over the odd game to the stage of level 1 or 2, you can move quite freely and enjoy the game. But as the responsibility of this strategy is another story, here you have to spend time as the best strategy is not learned in a few days and the more you play the more you learn. It is an ideal game to jump to level, especially because it has different stages of complexity, with the ideal of complex 1, 2, 3 or 4 to start and stop the numbering more when you have time and experience.
For more advanced players:
A highly recommended game and we can have everything from quick scenarios to play more complex scenarios and long with a touch of Micro-level management units that can delight the most demanding. Now the game is not for those with extremely complex with respect to all options that it can find, but there is, absolutely all, have for our tactical decisions.
What we have is a tactical difficulty in some scenarios, besides the PBEM is one of the best options because it is a game that will have to squeeze the head to get your plan comes together.
The game is centered on three fronts that we offer some of the most significant battles in the European theater and the Pacific from 1936 to 1945, so visit scenarios focused on the battles of France and the miraculous escape from Dunkirk, the battles in Italy, North Africa scenarios, the Operation Market Garden, Ardennes, D-Day scenarios without going any further, when you finish reading me Pegassus of Bridge Stephen E. Ambrose, find a scenario that would make mention of this action carried out by 181 men of D Company led by John Howard and of course, I found it and within what are the mechanics and scale of the game you can simulate the match with a somewhat similar but without going into details of the operation scenarios Barbarossa, the Operation Typhoon, the Soviet operations in the Finnish front, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Ukraine, Yugoslavia and a great representation of the scenes in the Pacific Theater of Operations.
Most of these are representations - at the game - the battles are real and some fictitious approached from a point of view "What If" that put us in a situation different from what was historically.
Each scenario is preceded by a summary explanation of it that gives us enough background also indicating whether it is a scenario which is recommended to be played as an ally or as an axis or is stated to be played in PBEM (H2H) in each stage is pre-defined objectives and the number of units that tell both sides to try to get the win, depending on the number of complexity we will have more or fewer units and we can find that they are all spread across the stage or that we only have a% versus the other, until the entire entering will shifts in the schedule indicated in reinforcements.
The complexity is measured by the following table:
Complexity 1 --- Units on stage
Complexity 2 --- 1-20 Units 21-50
Complexity stage 3 --- 51 units on stage Complexity
-90 4 --- 91-140 Units on stage 5 ---
Complexity Units on stage
Complexity 6 141-200 --- 201-280 units on stage
Complexity 7 --- Units in Complexity
stage 8 --- 281-380 Units 381-500
stage Complexity 9 --- 501-750 units on stage
Complexity 10 --- Units in the scenario> 750
tactical scenarios individually we can play either against AI or against another person or through the Campaign option. And when I say tactical I mean the scenarios that have and will devote time to studying the board to see what the best option possible move or where you can prepare a better reception at your opponent or what is the best area to take advantage in battle, as to control all these aspects have to know all types of terrain that we have on stage, and the effect that may cause our units either benefit or harm and how we can take advantage of the enemy using the environment .
Another aspect that we must take into account if we want to point the enemy is the Control Line of Sight (LOS), this effect is well represented in the game and despite the redundancy plays an important role in the tactics forward as an opponent to dominate this option may void your progress infringiéndote many casualties, arrinconándote or forcing you to make a detour so that you will lose an important time and we can give an advantage to position itself in the best way "tactically" possible what you can inflict more casualties equal to the sum of victory points and what is worse, to prevent reinforcements reaching your objectives help of some of vital importance = more points for victory. And things that can alter the LOS, are the theme of "Weather Condition" as fog (not the war but the weather), night, heavy rain, smoke attacks give some examples.
Another option, being one of the ones I like is that each unit comes with a statement which reflects a more than acceptable amount of features that will be taken into account when move and do battle, I am referring to the value data as assault, defense, armor front, side and rear of the value of hidden costs Action Points (Acction Points - AP), which involves shooting, the orientation, the indirect fire, which cost in AP loading or unloading a unit either infantry or artillery piece hooked to a truck or car with a maximum weight you can carry in relation to the value of the unit weight to transport, road speed, weight, pressure on the ground or dig the cost.
And that is because this game takes into account these data it is not the same as shooting a T34 or Panzerkampfwagen VI Tiger I in front than behind or the side, that's the best of the game and what makes it so special and with that dose of realism (within the range of representation thereof).
Speaking of units should be mentioned that in CS there is a great representation of who were on different fronts covering the series, and this collection we will also have special units with special features as well as engineering units, communications, Parachute by indicating some, each of these units with specific purposes and in some stage will be at our disposal to increase if the tactical aspects of the wargames.
The terrain and the advantages and disadvantages, and the cost involved in AP units move in a particular area - and that is different from moving a drive by road through a forest or a town or city - is well represented in this game, each type of land has a different cost in PC to give some examples the cost of moving on a paved road is about 4% by 65% \u200b\u200bforested area, a city 7%, a village 22%, 22% of orchards, lifting up a hexagon 15%, 22% industrial area, this will have to calculate and take into account not get stuck in a delicate and complicated for us because this is related to the LOS and the above attributes of the unit and if our opponent to make a better reading of the scene of the battle can take advantage and do us great harm.
And as I mentioned the Acction Points (AP), commenting that all units start every shift with 100% of the AP and every movement and action costs a% of these points, such as a T34 M41 spends 45% to shoot, so we can guess that this unit can only shoot 2 times, now look at these combinations:
1 - We move one hex in a land of paved road, the cost 4%, now shoot 45 %, we have the following options or to shoot back or we retreat to hide the LOS, this type of movement are what we always have to look as they are very effective.
2 - We move a hexagon by a woodland where we spend 65% to what we render the unit referred to as the T34 can not shoot, imagine if you also this movement has made enemies, because unlike him free points with no right of reply and if you are surrounded above of forest hexes cost you a lot out of it and regain the T34 for the offensive, if you have not previously deleted.
Another aspect that is combined with the above is the range and the damage it can cause a unit at different distances, taking into account that this damage over distance is decreasing and this is also related to mentioned attributes of the units concerning the level of reinforcement and guidance of the same and the status of the unit you are attacking, the greater the distance we lower the damage inflicted and if you have high up-armored front and that is the direction that has respect to our attack and if above statement is disorganized and in a hexagon with a terrain that increases your chance of defense, because only we will remove paint to the plate.
Organization, each unit of CS is part of an organization, individual units are Platoons (Platoons), the platoons are part of a company (such as D stage company Pegassus Bridge), the company is part of a battalion and the battalion of a regiment and this part of a Division, therefore the lower unit is the squad and all the units can make up a division. This entire organization must add the existence of leaders (real) and Headquarters (HQ) and has a great tactical importance to keep this entire organization to gain bonuses in combat, morale boost, early recovery of states like that of Disrupted or the Fatigued, combat effectiveness, being well supplied and does not run out of ammunition, as you see is another interesting point to add this wargames.
And attacking options have a few, from the typical direct attack on the possibility of indirect attacks and support, such as smoke to blind attack possible lines LOS, the support of the air force and navy.
victory The state is represented by four possible situations, the defeat of Mayor, that of Defeat Minor, Minor Victoria and Greater Victoria, this will be reflected in the table in Victoria (not surprisingly) and each stage can vary the indicative thresholds of victory points needed to be in one state or another, these points are achieved Victoria every time we remove an enemy unit and take or retake a goal, this aspect makes items become very exciting as always will try to play down the opponent to get points to reach at least the state of Victoria Menor or get the big prize, the Greater Victoria.
More or less you can be getting an idea of \u200b\u200bwhich way the shots, it begins to wake up to that point of interest that makes it special?
And the truth with all this that I mentioned in this review before you find a game where you dedicate adequate time to think before you make your move, watching over every aspect and trying to take advantage of all the elements presented here and when you finish Time will be looking forward to the next, especially if you play in PBEM, you will not stop mulling over the gray matter draw conclusions and shuffling all kinds of tactical options and when you think you've chosen your opponent may well have done it better and have submitted all of your planning down the drain, I tell you, before you make a move and think if I move here or here or better here, what if I stood here, which range in scope have this piece, I have them, flanking?, sending an advance?, where are the enemy units?, do not do ... definitely a treat tactics.
The Community
At the moment it is you will find an active community http://www.panzerzug.es and http://www.matrixgames.com/forums/tt.asp?forumid=226
You can also find a list of all the different scenarios deliveries http://www.theblitz.org/new_blitz/scenarios/action=search where you will also have scenarios created by fans of the series.
And to increase the number of scenarios to keep us in the page Feldgeneral of Hoth with scenarios created by him. Another page where
You can find more scenarios is: http://www.wargamer.com/gamesdepot/
Defcon Level
Given the ease and curve slightly upward at the time to learn to play, but with options a little more complex to understand at first and in regard to tactical costs a bit more to master, always in relation to the level of player you have, and the existence of different levels of complexity coming to take the stage with a large number of units touching aspects of Micro-Management is determined that a Level WarGames Defcon 3.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
First Birthday Tut Tu Dresses
Defcon level is not indicative valuation of WarGames, is indicative of the level of complexity of it and this level is understood from the various points listed below and provided from the point of view operator of the review.
As the level of complexity means or refers to the ease or difficulty of learning the mechanics of the game if the game is easy to learn to play but his mechanics or rules are more complex concepts that require practice reading accompanied by a ARR guide or to understand the concept, if a game is fast and agile when play especially in regard to the steps and options that you have to take each turn or if instead we are talking about micro-management games, macro-management or games that involve many options and variations to be taken into account in the design of turn or in the good functioning of the global strategy, measure the depth that can be indicating whether the game is a game that does not delve into the issues and options or on the contrary, its depth makes the concept of it is complex and difficult to learn.
on the difficulty which may have a WarGames, this is very relative concepts and there are several qualifiers in the player who must have into account when measuring the level of difficulty, as the experience it has in similar games, if you like the genre of WarGames, the hours you can dedicate to the game and the hours spent on reading manuals, guides and ARRs but it is clear that games are closer to new players and gaming complex and profound oriented more experienced players but still being sought and that everyone can enjoy the game.
Eventually they may learn the mechanics of a game and enjoy it, it can cost you more or less but gets it all depends on your preferences and your dedication.
WarGames is the install and get to play which is easy to learn mechanics and options, stocks and manage tactical decisions during the shift are quick invoice. Does not require reading the manual to learn the rules and game mechanics. His playing style makes it easy, straightforward, agile, fast and addictive, it is highly recommended for beginners in the genre of WarGames.
Wargames The mechanics of these is simple and easy to learn but sometimes has some concepts or more complex options that require a little practice and in some cases reading the manual. They often include choices that lead us into areas such as policy management, economic, trade, technology, etc. without the complexity of more advanced games this being a base that enriches the entire game. The choices, actions and tactics to manage decisions during the shift or departure can be fast or with a medium level of complexity and management. His playing style makes it easy, direct, fast, fast, addictive and in some respects introduces points a little more complex by adding new options, it is highly recommended for beginners in the genre of WarGames.
These usually have a mechanical WarGames less straightforward and is beginning to have political choices, economic, tactics, etc ... more complex, strategic and often have more advanced management and have a medium complexity level in some respects, it is advisable to have the next as a reference manual and some games like required reading, as far as management shifts or actions to take these concerns ranging from rapid to more complex and in some cases with an onset of micro-management. His playing style can cost at first, but once learned the game mechanics are highly addictive and often have very interesting challenges, are recommended for players with a medium or those who wish to a little more in this genre of games, for the most advanced are often an option when playing PBEM games or when you want a break from the micro-steps and more complex games.
The gameplay is complex, as the policy options, economic, Tactics, etc are deeper and more advanced aspects to manage or take into account, the concepts are more complicated understanding and learning upline is usually associated with the experience you have with this kind of games, games that make deep're always learning something new and you have to read your manual and the rules and guidelines and ARRs to be progressing, and determinations options to consider are important and often interrelated whole, bad decisions are often paid in addition to the number of options and actions to manage and control usually range from an average of many with which we enter the micro-management in most cases.
games whose complexity is high and not only because of its difficulty but also by the large numbers of decisions and actions we can and we have to do and also be taken into account before heading goes well, we fully in the Micro-Macro-Management or Management and the large amount of data to be usually accompanied by an extensive database, you must have experience in WarGames and are not the most desirable to start in this genre, although it can its high handicap often despair at the novice, the manual reading required than is included within the actions to take before you start playing and during the games to be played, manuals and rules tend to be extensive and may be accompanied by guides focused on advanced topics such as policy management, tactics, industrial, etc. .. In most cases the games are long and expensive learning, it usually takes time and depends on many hours of dedication and above all many games and experience may have.