Today I will talk about a story that is very interesting for any fan of the strategy, it is the famous series of the prestigious British publishing market leader in illustrated monographs on military history and strategy, I mean Osprey.
40 years are leading this company in the market with a collection of some 1,500 books with a more documented information by top experts in the field, is accompanied by abundant photographs, famous 2D and 3D maps and diagrams, makes this great library is one of the most desirable and useful for anyone who wants to deepen and to know in detail all aspects of military history.
Until now we had two ways to access these publications, one is how not to Osprey Series in the language of Shakespeare and the other across distributed collections RBA Group .
Well it is the latter is what has made the decision to approach once more, this great collection of collections translated into the language of Cervantes and of course, this is great news for every fan of WarGames and History humanely and we can finally be permanently this collection in many libraries-speaking market.
According RBA
the idea is to conduct launches semester, to make it clearer, the October 22, 2009 was the date on which we now find in bookstores and permanently the first 8 titles:
De Campaign Series: No. 1 Blitzkrieg Poland 1939, No. 2 Stalingrad 1942, No. 3 Thermopylae resistance 300, No. 4 Iwo Jima 1945 Marines raise the flag.
Of Warriors Series: No 1 The Green Berets in Vietnam 1957-1973.
De Elite Series: No 1 The Praetorian Guard.
Series Of Aviation Elite Units: No 1 The combat unit Red Baron.
Machines Of War Series: No. 1 Panzerkampwagen IV Medium Tank 1936-45
The next launch planned for spring 2010 and the next after the summer of that year, some 12 issues annually. Hopefully you have good reception and a great success and we can eventually enjoy the entire collection in our regular bookstores as one of the objectives is that the issues are willing to stay and as the collection grows, this will be found - with all the titles - on the shelves of bookstores, whenever you want (well hopefully). Only
Campaign series, it consists of 216 books and get to see the entire collection (about 1,500 books) at a rate of 12 books a year, then we would have to live for 125 years to see them all together, which is expected complicated:). Still
really appreciated, at least be able to acquire some of these books in a store without the cons that involve the sending of this material by mail (do not have it in your hand, not know how I will arrive and in what state), plus the you can buy at your own pace and above all choose books that interest you most, I think there is human time that allows a person to read all the series of this immense collection - but would not hand in the fire in this statement -.
There is a price difference between the versions of the RBA Collectibles we can find in bookstores, the latter are more expensive with a difference in some cases from 5 €, other than 9 €, and the response to this difference, according to RBA, is that the editing is done to the Libraries is more faithful to the original Osprey, some numbers are identical in content to that we found in the collections we see in the kiosks and then we can sign, but others like "The combat unit Red Baron's "cost of 128 pages like the original, we must mention that the versions of the hardcover collection are finished in a more binding acceptable and versions can be found in bookstores are paperback, rather they are a matte finish and with an acceptable thickness that gives consistency and appearance of durability, but if you want to stand the test of time you will be - as obliged - to bring them a plastic protection, the paper of 150g matt coated paper is that I think is much more consistent and robust, something that I like and I see better quality and finish as the cover version hard, it shows in the prints, look better, more alive and less glossy paper to make this note.
This is not to say that the edition of collectibles to be worse, far from but after much hesitation (especially at first) library version I like better, but this is a very personal view and no indication, each deems appropriate according to your tastes.
now have 3 ways to get books from different series of Osprey and from here we recommend this great library without fear of deceiving by that assessment.

This information is taken from Novilis of RBA Group and Osprey .
I have made the comparison with the two versions I have of Poland 1939 Blitzkrieg
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