fits experienced falls his body on a comfortable chair. Cristian Gonzalez first loosen your legs and your soul, and then carried away by the spontaneity. Pour phrases that arise from its open interior. "You know what, I did a lot of preseason, but it has a special flavor for what is to come. So I take it as it is the preseason my life. " With these words, Kily confessed this as a prologue to a thorough discussion in private with Ovation.
- Are you aware that the country will you play in your career?
"I know that in these months I play that are very important things. And when you got a feeling as big as Central involved, the responsibility is greater. But the good thing is that I have the chance to do my part to sacrifice for the club to return to the A, it is their place in football. So I decided at year's end, and I told my people, I'll do the best season of my career to be at full strength. And I'm doing.
"Not much, can you ask for with Valencia, Inter and did preseason selection important?
"It's so, but this is different to everyone. Here are many things that are above the sport. Addition I know that the margin of my retirement is near and my only wish is to go up. All I can offer today is at the football. And for that I must be fine from the physical. And this base will be key for me.
- Did you get to think what might happen if they amount?
"Not at all. Or crosses my head that thought. I have so much enthusiasm that I try to watch everything very positive.
-We return to the same, you play a lot you shortly.
"Yes, and I repeat, I have made clear that I was coming. This is the glory or failure, no other. But not only for me but for several companions. Especially for larger ones such as Lucho, Pirulo, Toledo, Vismara, Fatu or Turco Zarif. Although his game does not compare to anything. And we're going for it.
"At least it looks that the group is very attuned to the cause, is it really?
"What you see from the outside is what living inside. This group is very united. There are a lot of discipline and we all tucked into every workout, beyond that there is healthy competition to earn a spot. It seems I have clothes, but in this case is that there is much respect and care for this shirt for real.
"I can see it changed, you okay or is it the sea air?
- (Laughter) I'm fine internally. Until I wake up in a good mood here, ha. I try to be positive at all times and you see it in all workouts where I do not keep anything. On the contrary, I'm on par with the most kids. I'm fine really.
"If you're so then, how much rope you have left?
"Today I tell you a lot. I have played so badly I do not think of anything else to go into a field and enjoy it. I have a great positive energy. Moreover, here I get up at 6.30 and do it with joy, when I do my house too seriously. I stir every minute cool. I like the group very well, and God wants us to continue like this and we can achieve the objective.
- CoincidÃs that you're still in debt from the football?
"Yes. Moreover, I am indebted to me and the people that I have much love and expect more from me. I know what it feels swollen Central right now. So I tell the kids that have to be committed to this cause, it's back to the first A. And there must be no margin of error. You have to work and know that what comes will be very important for all centralized.
-you play Champions League final League, fought titles with Valencia, Inter and selection, yet a late substitute in a team went from B, how you lived this situation?
"One always wants to play. But at the time the coach felt it was wrong from the trouble-free football and respected his decision to send me to the bank, also because I'm not Maradona or essential. Obviously it hurt me to leave, but as a professional I must abide by the decisions that it takes a coach.
- You played your behalf that afternoon?
I do not know if the name, but a friend told me that I had been sporting the worst of my career. "What do you mean?" I asked. And I replied. "You were a substitute in the B". I was thinking a while, but the truth is that I did not take well, but differently.
- How?
-Very quiet because in the middle is a great feeling as Central. However, in another moment of my career if I went through a similar situation I went to the Federal Tyre chain had cut me. Although in this case, I respected the coach because the most important is the club above all else.
-Lucho said you do not suffer in the flesh Having A gone into decline, what do you think of this harsh reality?
"I understand and know what it feels, not just him but the rest of the guys who went through that. In fact I told the kids when I arrived they had seen the worst that can happen to a player, go to B. And it's a great dip, but they also remarked that they have the chance to pull out that great pain that are lending a helping hand from the inside. And so I appreciate all those who stayed to face this harsh reality.
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