Well to exploit this newly released section and saw that I am industrious and proactive, as well as this month has produced some interesting games today will put the information in a more even take some time to first line.
the front line:
Operation Barbarossa - The Struggle for Russia

This game is discussed in the forums is like Panzer General, but with improved visuals and according to the designs and current issues, with a high quality units and lively detail 3D.
also is reaping good reviews and you can keep track of what is said in the forum MatrixGames.
And do we have the guys from Binary Evolution Studios game developers:
As the name suggests we are at the beginning of Operation Barbarossa launched on June 22, 1941 when the German army order of their leader invade Russia before Stalin's perplexity which according to few days was offside and he did not believe that such boldness was to take place, rather he knew they were not yet prepared for this race.
And it is an appealing turn-based strategy game, the graphical look very carefully and gives us a gripping story with an addictive gameplay that manages to create an atmosphere that will keep us hooked on it until the end of the three historical campaigns ranging from the start of Operation Barbarossa to Berlin Battle Tutorial and a campaign to become familiar with the standards, rules and style of play, besides offering us few individual scenarios.
Ultimately this on what we offer:
Campaign Walkthrough - Prague (March 15, 1939), Kutno (September 9-19, 1939), Eben-Emael (May 10-11, 1940), Belgrade (April 6-12, 1941), Separate Also Paratrooper Tutorial scenario.
Operation Barbarossa German Campaign (June 22 - December 9, 1941) - Bialystok, Minsk, Kishinev, Uman, Leningrad, Kiev, Vyazma, Volokolamsk, Moscow.
Great Patriotic War Soviet Campaign (November 28, 1941 - May 2, 1945) - Moscow, Kalinin, Stalingrad, Leningrad, Kursk, Dniepr, Minsk, Vistula-Oder, Berlin.
German Case Blue Campaign (June 28 - August 27, 1942) - Voronezh, Rostov-on-Don, Maikop, Mozdok.
Individual Scenarios - Drive on Stalingrad 1942, Dubno-Brody 1941, Kharkov 1943, Vyazma 1941, Wintergewitter 1942, Zitadelle 1943, Berlin 1945, Autumn 1943 (Multiplayer), Smolensk 1941 (Multiplayer), Kharkov 1943 (Multiplayer), Kishinev 1941 (Multiplayer), Summer 1944 (Multiplayer)
A part of this initial collection of scenarios the game has an editor that will allow Modders create their scenarios and present them to the community and really hope to succeed because at first glance looks good.
As discussed is a game aimed at all types of player, from beginners and have never played a wargame to those who are more experienced and knowledgeable about the history of the Second World War, especially those who know accurately the different scenarios and battles occurred in the Russian front in detail will enjoy this game (Rather may say better than anyone else whether or not the game complies with historical rigor than these first lines of presentation - MetaBcn comment.)
The game will be represented on about 150 units with about 23 different characteristics and some units with special abilities such as engineers and paratroopers.
The scale of the units is Brigade or Division.
And we have about 47 different upgrades and updates for these units.
The climate issue is also represented with five different types of climate influence both on land and air units. Another
aspect is the extension of the strategic options as the destruction or repair of infrastructure and fortifications.
And it's a game that will face the player against the AI \u200b\u200band against another player via PBEM.
And send us the responsibility for this game to our shelves is the company MatrixGames.
Soldier! Welcome to the front
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