HBD stands for Digital Board Hexagon. This blog was created with the idea to go hang reviews of computer strategy games, but only the board format in either real time or by turns, hexagonal mesh panels or provinces.
enter here everything related to Paradox games, AGEOD, SSG, TalonSoft, Wastelands, Battlefront and so on.
other hand strives to be a blog written by a single person, you find that people interested in writing reviews for a game, hunting news, tournament reporting (posting a summary of the classification and where he plays), notifications of events, have their space here.
Grace is looking for work and logically different views can have on a particular game, by that I mean that there may be more than one review of the game, the variety of opinion lies the wealth of information and discloses the amount and quality of strategy games board format existing in the current catalog, also seeks to remind games that marked, this is roughly the intention HBD.
A Fan Blog for Fans fact.
If you like the idea and are interested in participating, you can communicate in:
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