Developed and Published by: Firepower Entertainment Slitherine Strategies &
Designed by: Slitherine Strategies & Firepower Entertainment
Gameplay: Singleplayer, Multiplayer via Internet or network, hot seat and PEBM
Recommended: For All Levels.
Level: to start.
Type: strategy shifts.
Active Communities: If you play in http://www.panzerzug.es
If you like you will like: Saga Strategic Command, World War 2: Road to Victory, World War 2: Time of Wrath, Panzer General Collection
The Review
Commander Europe at War is a jewel of WarGames for PC, with the format and image of table games hexagonal mesh panels - should be mentioned that all the graphics have been designed by Osprey Publishing - worthy successor to the General Panzer, really spectacular.
This I mention not only what I say, many of the analysts who specialize in this genre have used the name of "successor of the Panzer General" and I think it is very successful, the game is very good, very addictive especially when it is easy to learn to play, setting a minimum basis for strategy games, but do not deceive you that facility behind is a demanding game and that can complicate as we move forward in the campaign and especially when you play with someone else, but what was (I'm rolling), not all games hexagonal mesh set in the Second War World must have the nickname "successor of the Panzer General."
Commander Europe at war or CEAW whose format belongs to the family so to speak at Strategic Command or deWastelands World War 2 (Road to Victory and Time of Wrath!) Because in this game gives us a board with European theater of other continents (a small part yes, I'll describe later) and the format of Genral Pancer is the game with several scenarios battles focused on known and not so well known and in some cases with a What if. For example, a game that reminds me of PG is John Tiller's Campaign Series or CS .
For starters we are before a game whose aim is not complicated to play when, on the contrary it is very easy to learn and after some check items to beat the AI \u200b\u200bis not very difficult, as usually occurs the long run in these games, especially those who vitiate while not stop playing them.
To put you a bit more difficult task, you can leverage the advantage that you give the AI, you can also select the famous "fog of war" which I highly recommend, especially in PBEM games, we may also choose to be random or research that takes into account the fuel consumption this makes The motion is not free, it is depleted the supply of fuel and we have to control countries like Iran or the Caucasus, adding a new strategic factor of difficulty.
is a game played between agile and turns are a little complicated and fast to implement and requires no micro-management when moving the units and make decisions, we highly recommend it for all levels
For beginners:
The good thing about Commander Europe at War is its learning curve is gradually being so it is highly recommended to take the first steps in this kind of games since being at first easy to understand and quick to start playing this is compounded over the campaign and is where each player can more or less in depth the various aspects of the game, not his manual and rules as complex as games aimed at a Pro level player but it is a basis to start in those games mostly is the right choice before engaging to more complex games.
For more advanced players:
Above all it is perfect for when you want Liarte more complex games or take a break from the macro or micro steps between steps or just turn and turn of the more advanced games.
And to round:
His addiction is a game that will keep you hooked on especially when you want to practice with the idea of \u200b\u200bfacing another player and that is a perfect game to play in PBEM.
For instance, is like a big chess pieces moving I learn fast, however the different plays we can do to beat another opponent or we will have to take into account in order to defend ourselves is nothing more complex.
Are you a fan of WarGames, this is not missed.
And this is because of the comments, the typical and classic turn-based game with a huge map of Europe which includes U.S. west, Africa to the south, Scandinavia to the north and the Urals to the east, all full of hexagons about 11000 or so.
We are offered the possibility of two sides, the Axis or the Allies (as simple as / so complicated) and the time of the game covers the period from September 1, 1939, with the invasion of Poland to a little over 1945.
can select between playing the Grand Campaign, we are involved from the beginning to the end of World War II or choose smaller campaigns focusing on a specific period, namely one can begin from 6 epic scenarios (and typical) that we Slitherine team proposed, namely:
1939 - Battle of Poland (of course played here all campaign, if we choose the Axis forces take German and Italian and if we take the Allied side will have at first with the French and English, and the forces of the nations that are being conquered) would later be incorporated into the U.S. Army and Russia when the historic event tells us in this way tends to keep the historical veracity of the conflict.
1940 - Battle of France as saying that the line detail Marginot this cost to make a gap and I had to go through the Forest of Ardennes, just as in reality, to go around this defense because entrenchment has a good bonus as normal and because of its purpose and thus enter France surrounding the British and French armies.
1941 - Operation Barbarossa. Code name given by Adolf Hitler for the planned invasion of the Soviet Union by Axis forces during World War II.
The operation opened the Eastern Front, which became the largest theater of war, the scene of the biggest battles and brutal conflict in Europe.
Operation Barbarossa was a heavy blow to the unsuspecting Soviet forces suffered heavy casualties and lost large swathes of territory in little time. However, the arrival of the Russian winter killed off the German plans to end the invasion in 1941. During the winter, the Red Army counterattacked, Hitler annulled the hopes of winning the battle of Moscow.
1942 - The bloody Battle of Stalingrad. It was an epic showdown between the German forces and Soviet armies in the city of Stalingrad (now Volgograd) between June 1942 and February 1943, during World War II. Low close to 3,000,000 people, including soldiers and civilians on both sides, the Battle of Stalingrad is considered the bloodiest battle in human history.
1943 - The Battle of kursh. Names a series of brutal armed clashes took place between July and August 1943 in the region of the same name. In it, the already recovered (though tired and worn) Wehrmacht troops would last offensive effort in the eastern front, gathering the large armored forces and their modern weapons, to more powerful units and most prestigious general , the operation was codenamed "Operation Zitadelle."
1944 - And the longest day, or D-Day assault on Hitler's European fortress in 1944, code-named Operation Overlord, was the invasion of Europe, held in the northwest of France, then occupied by Nazi Germany. The landing was executed by Allied forces in World War II. The Allied effort focused on landing an army in Europe, after liberate France, came to the very heart of the Third Reich. Preparations for Operation Overlord began in Great Britain.

CEaW is a game where you do not use Action Points (AP) to move the units, by that I mean it's easier because we can only make a decision and move troops and attack, attack, upgrade or reinforce units available, and once took all the decisions we will turn to the IA or our opponent to do likewise.
At the beginning we have a given number of units depending on what stage or time of World War II have decided to start.
We may change the value "Show tabs" is not as nice graphically but as seen in table games is that although the figures used to represent the units, this is already going to like the player.
In the game there are 12 different types of units, including infantry, motorized units, tanks, destroyers, submarines, aircraft carriers, etc, each with their strengths and weaknesses compared to other units, altering the effects and climate map, and the effects they may suffer to a greater or lesser extent as the lack of supplies, morale, leadership, experience, strategy, and we can see different points start to come we must learn to make a success of our campaign not only against the AI \u200b\u200bbut against a more formidable opponent, who thought he was your colleague before Having decided to enter the worst conflict of the twentieth century.
The scale of such units is not defined, we go that is generic, taking into account the value "Force" of the they all make the maximum value 10, we can assume that represent a Section / Squad, or Group, but taking into account the size that can cover scale mapping (as I said this is a huge map of Europe that includes U.S. . to the west, Africa to the south, Scandinavia to the north and the Urals in the east) we can say that can represent a regiment or division.
These units have a number of attributes as is usual in this type of game and will be improved through new technologies that we investigated other factors that increase these attributes are assigning general troops .
These values reflect the Force (represents cash that makes up the unit when it reaches 0 KO) units can be strengthened, when a unit has many casualties we can send reinforcements to return to the optimal state (value 10) with an added cost and taking into account that if you reinforce you can neither move nor attack that turn, another aspect to consider is that a unit gains experience something that raises their attributes and taken into account in the decision of the battle but this experience may diminish when you get those reinforcements and that this will emulate the inexperience of new recruits, some aspects of the unit are effectively spent providing the unit, the number of hexagons of movement and the entrenchment. This is Value added the ground attack, the Earth Defense, the shock, the bonus-tank, the air attack, naval attack, strategic attack and the quality and survivability.
And if the data here seem to drive you a few, each hexagon corresponds to a potion of ground and provides more information that enhances or diminishes the value of the units to enter combat, an example being the cost of moving, penalty moving vehicles, attack penalty, penalty armored, air defense, survivability.

When two chips are facing take all this data and are calculated taking into account the bonuses or penalties, as I said, bringing the Land, climate change (eg the Russian winter and wear suffered by the Axis troops, an aspect reflected in the movement) or the type of chips they face, and by every side is being attacked or if entrenchment bonus for being in a city, hill, forest, mountain. You see a lot of data, but do not worry you will not have to take the calculator to solve the fight as is usually done in the games namesake since this is handled by the computer.
this in the purely military, but all this, add the possibility to investigate new technologies, particularly at our disposal we have 50 that are distributed in the following disciplines: Infantry, Armor, Air, Marine and General which is where we must invest if we want to improve in industry after we have a small section to practice our policy called diplomacy, but as I said this is a game that does not seek the complexity, quite the opposite, so the only thing we can do is to declare a political war that is a very useful for those who take the side of the HUB.
Then there is the most important aspect of the game, these are the points Production, they will give us the end of each turn (and believe me the wait as rain in May) and that is what will allow us to recruit new units, invest in research laboratories for new technologies, upgrade units to progress, and strengthen our units at the front.
And who or what gives us these points of production?
For in every city and first mine, then the industry will increase research in PP to get by Time and the Allied side will have the phase that will bring us PP Comvoys to Britain and Russia, therefore the importance to conquer and defend the strategic points to increase our revenues and defend (if we Allies) routes, the Atlantic Ocean are the key objectives to try to succeed in our campaign, another very important aspect as I mentioned is the control of supply.
On the mobility of troops other than those mentioned on each unit can move a certain number of hexagons can take advantage of rail and sea infrastructure (it is important to have mobility and we do not cut these pathways) to move in a troops to the front quickly, but beware that this will have an added cost when we overcome the two units that can move per turn via rail.
And when it comes to play, because you can do as you like, totally free or it is better to follow the historical script, because more or less taking into account the level this game lets you recreate the different campaigns taking place in the European theater The struggle for Tobruk and other North African conflicts as Operation Torch emulate and then jump into Sicily and perform as Operation Shingle not prepare for Operation Overlord, as following the beginning of the war by invading Poland, then Norway and Denmark and immediately breaking through the Luxembourg Ardennes to enter logical way to Paris conquering Belgium and Holland and when France this under your domain begin the Battle of Britain, go for Yugoslavia and prepare for Operation Barbarossa, you can throw with the Italians to conquer Greece and sent U-Bots to the Atlantic but with caution as the Allies you will fight on that front.
You see you have the possibility to recreate the conflict according to the script or break everything and do what you think is more appropriate, this being a recommendation when playing PBEM because it is always to surprise the opponent.
All these issues are properly explained in the manual of the game, its 52 pages are a challenge to pro level players who are used to read a great number of standards, rules, updates, rules, standards corrected versions, this is the hobby of board games, PC manuals are 136, 164, 200 and in some cases with a huge number of pages, plus tutorials and other information located on the forums of the different communities, and by that I mean to stress that this is one of the best options to get started in this world and especially highly recommended for its agility to play in PBEM.
addition to those who have never played a game of this nature, those casual gamers say that at first glance can be a game that does not attract but not about depth charts and is fun and it has this in large doses.
The Community
You find people interested in playing in the two communities indicated below:
http://www.panzerzug.es/pzg/index . php
On the other hand are moving the issue to bring together players with this game to create a Tournament, Championship and Ladder or just make an appointment to play PBEM, that if we got the game and you dare to play a few games you can me communicate via this address:

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